A Media History Blog from NYU

Adding Images, Video, and Sound to Your Posts

February 10, 2018, by Moacir

Markdown deals with text. But we want our posts to be multimodal. How to add pictures, video, and sound? All of these feature a two step process:

  1. Put the picture, video clip, or sound recording on the internet.
  2. Embed a link to that picture, clip, or recording in your post.

For videos and sound, I recommend using YouTube or SoundCloud. For images, I recommend using Imgur

Here is a video that shows the process for all three:


Uploading the images to Imgur is straightforward: you click on “New post” and drag the image you want to upload onto the webpage, and that’s about it. Once the image is on the internet, however, you need to get the address for the image itself.

Get the address by hovering your mouse in the top-right corner of the image and clicking on the dropdown menu. Pick “Get share links” and then copy the one for “BBCode.”

In your post, use the Markdown syntax for your image:


The text you copy from Imgur will also have [img] and [/img] tags in it, which you’ll have to delete.

Video and Sound

Embedding YouTube and SoundCloud clips is the same process: you click on “Share” and then “Embed,” to get a long <iframe> bit of HTML code.

Paste that code straight into your post.

For YouTube videos one extra step is needed, namely surrounding the <iframe> code with some <div> code, like this:

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-21by9">
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2ivKEj3ksPk" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The top line and bottom line are added by you.

